Dragon Ball   The Innovative Dragon Ball Website

Thursday, May 22, 2008


* After two years without any updates, the Innovative Dragon Ball Website has been vastly updated, with a new, modern look! This update follows after a major design update on the Legend of Suikoden, which shares a very similar design. Despite the major update, do not expect regular updates any time soon, as the web design update is a test run for future web design endeavors. The Innovative Dragon Ball Website will be placed under archived status for the time-being.


* The Innovative Dragon Ball Website web design has been vastly overhauled and replaced with a newer, modern look.

* The Innovative Dragon Ball Website is now hosted by YoonHuh.com.

* The Innovative Dragon Ball Website has a new, permanent URL: http://idb.yoonhuh.com/. Please update your bookmarks, as the past URLs will no longer be maintained.